How artificial intelligence will shape the world in the next decade?
In the next decade, many artificial intelligence technologies and applications will have hit maturity. And...
RoboBee can fly, perch on surfaces using static electricity
The RoboBee, a robot inspired by a bee, developed at the Harvard Microrobotics Lab, weighs...
Autonomous unmanned aerial vehicle with robotic arm – V-Bat
V-Bat, an autonomous UAV with vision driven robotic arm funded by DARPA (Defense Advanced Research...
Japanese Biped robot walks on rope, rides bicycle – video
The robot named PRIMER V4 developed by Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, Neural Network Society...
Pet-Proto robot in action | DARPA Robotic Challenge begins
DARPA Robotic Challenge (DRC) has begun through which the defense agency will fund the selected...
Cheetah robot and Legged Squad Support System – DARPA
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) along with Boston Dynamics are leading a remarkable innovation...
Baxter robot by Rethink Robotics
Rethink Robotics, a new robotics company specializes in creating manufacturing robots for industries. They innovated...
RoboRoach – electrically controlled cockroaches
Biological robots prove to be more efficient than electronic robots. A team of Scientists from...
Robotic hand to diffuse explosives
Sandia Robotic Hand ProjectNeed a helping hand from Skynet? Sandia National Laboratories, a subsidiary of...
New robot inspired by motion of earthworm
New robot inspired by motion of earthworms has been successfully innovated by researchers at Massachusetts...
Pharmaceutical robot performs lab tests
Robots are getting more and more intelligent day by day as a result of developments...
Firefighting robot by U.S. navy
U.S. Navy’s research wing unveiled Octavia, a firefighting robot built to work along with human...
Jumping robot by Boston Dynamics
Boston Dynamics released a video of their incredible jumping robot called the Sand Flea. It’s...