Color changing car Peugeot RCZ

A new technology that allows your car to change its color as per your mood....

Flying wind turbine technology

A new airborne (i.e) flying wind turbine using blimp technology to reach powerful high-altitude winds...

Underwater glider by Subwing

A new invention that is rather a different kind of ‘water wings’ – a hang-glider...

Space navigation system for spaceships

Satellite navigation systems don’t work in space especially when the satellites are far away from...

New satellite thruster powers CleanSpace One

A tiny ion powered satellite thruster which can journey to the Moon on just one...

Jumping robot by Boston Dynamics

Boston Dynamics released a video of their incredible jumping robot called the Sand Flea. It’s...

New 3D solar arrays doubles power

A team from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have developed an innovative new 3-D solar...

Air purifier goes green

The air purifying effect of houseplants is made effective with an air filter created by...

Ferrari limited edition Hasselblad H4D-40 camera

The two iconic brands Hasselblad and Ferrari have now collaborated on the creation of the...

Sony dual screen Android Tablet P

Sony’s latest Android tablet , the Tablet P is a small and handy, hinged device...

New laser camera to see around corners

A new laser camera that can see around corners has been invented by MIT researchers. Objects...

Nissan DeltaWing experimental vehicle

Japanese car-maker Nissan is to become a founding partner in the Delta Wing Le Mans...

A future of no passwords – DARPA

Imagine a future with no passwords. This is the vision of Defence Advanced Research Projects...

1919 old lens on Canon 5D makes retro images

Instead of recreating the retro look using an app, or simply buying an old camera,...

New communication using neutrino

A new communication technology using Neutrino to send radio message directly through the Earth –...