Dell latitude 10 Windows tablet – overview and specifications

Dell Latitude 10 tablet is well designed for on the go business usage. It runs...

Grasshopper by SpaceX – vertical takeoff and landing rocket

Grasshopper is a reusable rocket currently under development by SpaceX (Space eXploration Technologies). The vertical...

Facts about the approach of ISON comet in 2013

ISON is a comet that passes very close to the Sun. Some comets that passes...

Mirrors of the next generation James Webb Space Telescope

A mirror at Goddard Space Flight Center The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) which is...

Exploring Hubble Space Telescope

The Hubble Space Telescope (HST) was launched into low earth orbit by carrying it aboard...

An artistic impression of International Space Station [image]

An artistic impression of International Space Station (ISS). With its first component launched in 1998, ISS...

Google News for tablets gets a new interface

The amount of Android tablets and mobile users have been consistently increasing. Android had 75%...

Samsung Galaxy camera with new advanced features

Samsung has released its latest digital camera with cool new features. The Galaxy camera seems to...

Samsung Muse – a pebble like MP3 player for Galaxy users

Samsung Electronics released a new portable music accessory for Samsung Galaxy mobile phone users.  The Galaxy...

Eclipsing of dimensions – the mystery of time

In our world Time is advancing in a forward direction from the neutral zero to...

Autonomous unmanned aerial vehicle with robotic arm – V-Bat

V-Bat, an autonomous UAV with vision driven robotic arm funded by DARPA (Defense Advanced Research...

Rise and support for internet freedom – a free and open web

Internet is a fast growing network connecting more than 2 billion people around the world. ...

Nano-generators – new power source for portable electronics

Energy requirements are increasing everyday with increased use of electronics. Energy shortage is one of...

NASA testing new nuclear engine to power deep space probes

Researchers at NASA’s Glenn Research Center, Los Alamos National Laboratory  and  National Security Technologies LLC (NSTec) have...

Researchers on new ways to produce biofuel from algae

Researchers from University of Toledo are developing new ways to convert algae into bio fuels....