Scientific research done on the International Space Station

The International Space Station (ISS) in an artificial satellite and research lab orbiting around the...

Why additive manufacturing is one of the decade’s most influential technologies?

Additive manufacturing has been a known and available technology for several years now, though its...

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Why does the Sun’s magnetic field reverse every 11 years?

Sun’s magnetic poles completely flip every 11 years approximately. Unlike Earth and other rocky planets,...

Compared: Hubble Space Telescope and James Webb Space Telescope

Hubble Space Telescope (HST) has been one of the greatest achievements of mankind which have...

Can animals dream like humans?

We know that animals can sleep, but can animals dream like humans? Believe it or...

How can water striders walk on water?

You would have probably seen some insects like water striders moving on the surface of...

How radiocarbon dating is done?

Radiocarbon dating is a type of radiometric dating technique that is used to determine the...

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Find latitude and longitude without a GPS

There are several ways to detetime the latitude and longitude of your location using celestial...

How artificial intelligence will shape the world in the next decade?

In the next decade, many artificial intelligence technologies and applications will have hit maturity. And...


The role of a gas turbine engine in aircraft

The gas turbine engine is the heart and the primary functional unit of any commercial...


How neutrinos are formed and detected?

Neutrinos are the smallest subatomic particles, i.e. elementary particles with a half-integer spin known as...


The Y2K Millenium bug explained | The Year 2000 Problem

If you were born in the 90s or before, you might have heard about the Y2K...

The geometry of the fourth dimension and the space-time

In Physics, a dimension can be defined as the magnitude of something in a particular...


The world’s first certified electric aircraft: Alpha Electro

The future of air transportation is going to be taken over by all-electric aircraft. The...

How dopamine driven feedback loops work?

Recently, I stumbled upon a talk by Chamath Palihapitiya, Founder, and CEO of Social Capital....