Digitash » All Topics https://digitash.com/topics/feed/ Sun, 28 Apr 2024 04:13:48 +0000 https://bbpress.org/?v=2.6.9 en-GB https://digitash.com/learntips/topic/windows-god-mode-folder/ <![CDATA[Use Windows God Mode Folder: Quick Access to System Settings]]> https://digitash.com/learntips/topic/windows-god-mode-folder/ Mon, 30 Oct 2023 19:31:24 +0000 Santhosh Kumar D Replies: 0

Windows God Mode folder is a hidden feature that provides a centralised hub for accessing all of the operating system’s control panels and settings in one location. By activating this feature, we can quickly access a comprehensive list of customisation options and administrative tools.

Activate the Windows God Mode folder

1. Create a new folder on your desktop or any convenient location.

2. Rename the folder with the following text: GodMode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}

3. The folder icon will change to a Control Panel icon, indicating that it has been transformed into God Mode.

4. Double-click the folder to access a consolidated list of Windows settings and options, organised by category, allowing you to navigate and adjust various system configurations and preferences quickly.

Windows God Mode folder

By utilising the Windows God Mode folder, we can streamline accessing and managing system settings, saving us time and effort when customizing and configuring your Windows operating system.

https://digitash.com/learntips/topic/gmail-priority-inbox-manage-important-emails/ <![CDATA[Use Gmail Priority Inbox to Manage Important Emails]]> https://digitash.com/learntips/topic/gmail-priority-inbox-manage-important-emails/ Sat, 28 Oct 2023 21:29:36 +0000 Santhosh Kumar D Replies: 0

Gmail Priority Inbox helps you focus on your most important messages first, allowing you to manage your emails more efficiently and boost productivity. Here’s how you can make the most of this feature:

Activate Gmail Priority Inbox:

To enable Priority Inbox, go to your Gmail settings by clicking on the gear icon in the top right corner. Select “See all settings” and navigate to the “Inbox” tab. Choose “Priority Inbox” from the Inbox type options and save your changes.

Gmail priority inbox feature

Train Your Priority Inbox:

Teach Gmail which emails are important by marking specific messages as important or not important. Use the ‘flag’ or ‘unflag’ option to guide Gmail’s algorithms in identifying which emails should be categorised as priority.

Customise Inbox Sections:

Customise the sections in your Priority Inbox to fit your workflow. You can choose to display important and unread messages, starred items, and other relevant sections. This lets you focus on the most critical emails while keeping track of other essential messages.

Regularly Review and Adjust:

Make it a habit to review your Priority Inbox frequently. Adjust the settings and train the system as your priorities change. This ensures that your important emails are always highlighted accurately, and you don’t miss any critical communications.

Combine with Other Gmail Features:

Pair the Priority Inbox feature with other Gmail tools like labels, filters, and keyboard shortcuts to further streamline your email management and maximize productivity.

By utilising Gmail’s Priority Inbox feature effectively, you can prioritise your important messages, reduce time spent sifting through your inbox, and focus on the most critical tasks at hand, ultimately boosting your overall productivity and efficiency.

https://digitash.com/learntips/topic/how-to-send-email-as-an-alias-in-gmail/ <![CDATA[How to send email as an alias in Gmail?]]> https://digitash.com/learntips/topic/how-to-send-email-as-an-alias-in-gmail/ Thu, 14 Jul 2022 17:25:24 +0000 Santhosh Kumar D Replies: 0

You can send emails from a different address or an alias in Gmail. You can also use non-Gmail addresses as aliases. For example Outlook, Yahoo, your school or business email, etc.

1. Open Gmail and click the Settings icon in the top right corner.

2. Click See all settings.

3. Go to the Accounts and import tab.

4. In the Send mail as section, click Add another email address.

5. In the window that appears, enter your Name and the Email address that you want to add as an alias.
How to send email as an alias in Gmail

6. Click Next Step and then Send Verification.

7. For business or school email, you will have to enter the SMTP Server (for example, smtp.gmail.com or smtp.school.edu) and the Username and Password of that email account.
How to sen email as an alias in Gmail

8. An email with a confirmation code will be sent to your email. Click on the link in the confirmation email to verify that you own the alias email address.

9. Once verified, you can send emails with your alias address. To send as an alias, when composing an email, click the From line, and select the email address to send it from.

You can add up to 99 different email addresses in Gmail.

Learn more Gmail tips.

https://digitash.com/learntips/topic/how-to-stop-google-from-tracking-your-location/ <![CDATA[How to stop Google from tracking your location?]]> https://digitash.com/learntips/topic/how-to-stop-google-from-tracking-your-location/ Thu, 14 Jul 2022 11:51:57 +0000 Santhosh Kumar D Replies: 0

Go to Google My Activity dashboard and select Location History.
 How to stop Google from tracking your location

Click Turn off and then select Pause from the pop-up message.
How to stop Google from tracking your location

How to stop Google from tracking your location?
Your location history will now be set to off.

Similarly, on Android, go to Settings, then Privacy, select Google Location History, click Turn off and select Pause. Google will now stop tracking your location.

Learn more privacy tips.

https://digitash.com/learntips/topic/command-to-check-the-ubuntu-version/ <![CDATA[Command to check the Ubuntu version]]> https://digitash.com/learntips/topic/command-to-check-the-ubuntu-version/ Sat, 09 Jul 2022 11:57:31 +0000 Santhosh Kumar D Replies: 0

One can quickly check the Ubuntu version using the lsb_release utility. This command displays LSB (Linux Standard Base) information about the Linux distribution.

Open your terminal and type the following command:

lsb_release -a

You will get an output like this:

No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description:    Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS
Release:        20.04
Codename:       focal

The version of your Ubuntu is shown in the description line.

Instead of printing all the above information, if you just want to see the version of Ubuntu, use the following command.

lsb_release -d

You will get an output like this:

Description:    Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS

Learn more Linux commands.

https://digitash.com/learntips/topic/how-to-add-a-percentage-in-excel/ <![CDATA[How to add a percentage in Excel?]]> https://digitash.com/learntips/topic/how-to-add-a-percentage-in-excel/ Mon, 17 Jan 2022 09:44:08 +0000 Santhosh Kumar D Replies: 0

In Microsoft Excel, you can use a formula to add a percentage to a number. For example, if you want to add 20% to a number, you can use a formula as follows:
How to add a percentage in Excel?

In the above example, we have entered formula to calculate a return of 20% of the initial number from cell B2 and then added it to the initial number to obtain an end value in cell C2.

If you want to calculate just the percentage of a number without adding it to the initial number, you can simply change the formula as follows:

To copy the same formula down the column, click cell C2, move the mouse cursor over the small square green box at the lower-right corner of the selected cell, click and drag it down the column.
How to add a percentage to a number in Excel?

If you need to decrease the number by 20%, simply replace the + sign in the formula in cell C2 to a minus - sign. Then click and drag it down to copy the updated formula to cells down the column.

https://digitash.com/learntips/topic/how-to-convert-currencies-in-google-sheets/ <![CDATA[How to convert currencies in Google Sheets?]]> https://digitash.com/learntips/topic/how-to-convert-currencies-in-google-sheets/ Tue, 14 Dec 2021 14:36:35 +0000 Santhosh Kumar D Replies: 0

We can use the GOOGLEFINANCE function to get live currency rates in Google Sheets. Let’s learn how we can use the GOOGLEFINANCE function to convert currencies in Google Sheets.

For example, to convert 100 U.S dollars to Indian rupees, select the cell you want the result to be displayed and type the formula =A2*GOOGLEFINANCE("CURRENCY:USDINR") where A2 is the cell number of the value that you want to convert, USD is the currency you want to convert, and INR is the currency you want to convert to.

Once the formula has been entered, press ENTER and you will see a result like the following.
How to convert currencies in Google Sheets?

https://digitash.com/learntips/topic/how-to-voice-type-on-google-docs/ <![CDATA[How to voice type on Google Docs?]]> https://digitash.com/learntips/topic/how-to-voice-type-on-google-docs/ Tue, 09 Feb 2021 10:33:33 +0000 Santhosh Kumar D Replies: 0

You can type and edit by speaking in Google Docs. Just speak normally and Google Docs will transcribe your speech. As of now, this voice feature is only available in Google Chrome web browsers.

1. Make sure your computer microphone is turned on and working.

2. Open a document in Google Docs using a Chrome browser.

3. Go to Tools > Voice typing. Alternatively, you can also use the shortcut Control + Shift + S (for Windows) or Command + Shift + S (for Mac).

4. A little microphone box similar to the one shown below will appear on your screen. You can also change the language if you need to. Click and drag the microphone window to move it out of the way.
Google Docs microphone

5. To start recording, just click the microphone. Speak clearly, at a normal speed and volume.

6. You can add punctuations to your text by using voice commands like period, comma, exclamation point, question mark, new line, and new paragraph. You can also use voice commands to edit and format your document. Read here for a complete list of Google Docs voice commands.

7. If you make a mistake while voice typing, you can move your cursor to the mistake and correct it without having to turn off the microphone.

8. If Google voice recognition is unsure about a transcribed word, it will underline the word in a dotted grey line. To correct, right-click on the word and choose the right word.

9. Once you are done, click the microphone again to turn off the voice typing.

10. To learn more information about Google Docs voice typing feature, visit Google Docs help centre.

https://digitash.com/learntips/topic/what-is-django-framework/ <![CDATA[What is Django framework?]]> https://digitash.com/learntips/topic/what-is-django-framework/ Fri, 04 Dec 2020 08:18:55 +0000 Santhosh Kumar D Replies: 0

Django framework is one of the most popular web development tools currently being used in the web development industry. Django is a high-level Python web framework that supports rapid web development and clean web design. Django is free and open-source.

Django is fast.

Django was designed to help developers build web applications as fast as possible with less code. Django framework follows the Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle which allows developers to reuse existing code eliminating the need to write separate codes.

Django has built-in features.

Built by experienced developers, Django takes care of much of the hassle of web development and allows developers to focus on creating their app without the need to build everything from scratch. Django takes care of user authentication, content administration, site maps, RSS feeds, and many more tasks.

Django is scalable.

Some of the most popular sites that were built using Django are National Geographic, Mozilla, Open Stack, Disqus, Pinterest and Instagram.

Django is secure.

Django helps developers avoid many common security mistakes like SQL injection, clickjacking, cross-site scripting, and cross-site request forgery. Django regularly releases security patches. It is maintained by the Django Software Foundation (DSF), an American independent organization established as a 501(c)(3) non-profit. As compared to other frameworks, Django has the best documentation to help developers build different types of real-world web applications.

Learn more Python tips.

https://digitash.com/learntips/topic/how-to-turn-google-assistant-off/ <![CDATA[How to turn Google Assistant off?]]> https://digitash.com/learntips/topic/how-to-turn-google-assistant-off/ Wed, 02 Dec 2020 12:25:31 +0000 Santhosh Kumar D Replies: 0

Do you want to stop Google Assistant from popping up? It’s quite easy to turn Google Assistant off on your Android device, just follow the instructions below. Steps may vary in future updates.

How to turn Google Assistant off (from Google Assistant app)?

You can open Google Assistant by going to Google app > Tap on the More icon bottom right of the screen > Settings > Google Assistant or if you have the Google Assistant app, you can open it directly.

Click on your profile icon that’s in the top right corner.

Scroll down until you see ALL SETTINGS.

Under ALL SETTINGS, select General. Turn off Google Assistant.
How to turn Google Assistant off?

Learn more Google tips.

https://digitash.com/learntips/topic/how-to-check-the-python-version/ <![CDATA[How to check the Python version?]]> https://digitash.com/learntips/topic/how-to-check-the-python-version/ Tue, 01 Dec 2020 06:52:51 +0000 Santhosh Kumar D Replies: 0

To check the version of Python that is currently installed, we need to use the --version command as follows.

python --version

How to check the Python version?
This command will display the installed Python version as shown in the above screenshot.

Learn more Python tips.

https://digitash.com/learntips/topic/how-to-create-a-virtual-environment-in-python/ <![CDATA[How to create a virtual environment in Python?]]> https://digitash.com/learntips/topic/how-to-create-a-virtual-environment-in-python/ Sat, 24 Oct 2020 13:02:59 +0000 Santhosh Kumar D Replies: 0

The venv module allows us to create a virtual environment within a site’s directory. Each virtual environment has its own Python library and can have its own independent set of installed Python packages. In this tutorial, I am going to use Python 3.8.2 and Command Prompt to create a virtual environment.

Create a virtual environment

First, we have to move to the directory within which we want to create a virtual environment. Use the command venv to create a virtual environment. For instance, let’s create a directory called environment, and create a virtual environment inside that directory as shown below.

python -m venv environment

Alternatively, we can directly mention the path of the directory within which we want to create a virtual environment there. For instance, the below command will create a directory called environment and creates a virtual environment inside the directory as per the mentioned path.

python -m venv /directory/site/environment

Activate a virtual environment

Once a virtual environment has been created, we need to activate it using a platform-specific script in the virtual environment’s directory. The following commands can be used to activate a virtual environment.

Platform Shell Command to activate virtual environment
Windows Command Prompt venv\Scripts\activate.bat
PowerShell venv\Scripts\Activate.ps1
POSIX bash/zsh venv/bin/activate
fish venv/bin/activate.fish
csh/tcsh venv/bin/activate.csh
PowerShell Core venv/bin/Activate.ps1

Note: Replace venv with the path of the directory containing the virtual environment.

For instance, in this tutorial, we have created a virtual environment inside a directory called environment. To activate it, we can use the Command Prompt specific activation script as follows.


Our virtual environment is now active as it shows the name (environment) in the command line.
How to create a virtual environment in Python?

Source: venv — Creation of virtual environments

Learn more Python tips.

https://digitash.com/learntips/topic/how-to-change-the-directory-in-the-command-prompt/ <![CDATA[How to change the directory in the Command Prompt?]]> https://digitash.com/learntips/topic/how-to-change-the-directory-in-the-command-prompt/ Sat, 24 Oct 2020 12:09:25 +0000 Santhosh Kumar D Replies: 0

Changing the directory in the Command Prompt is simple. The cd command, also known as chdir (change directory) is used to change the current working directory (folder).

To go back to the top of the directory tree, type the cd\ command, and then press Enter key as shown below .
How to change the directory in the Command Prompt?

To go to a specific directory, type the cd command followed by the path of the folder, and then press Enter key as shown below.
How to change the directory in the Command Prompt?

To move up one directory, type the cd.. command, and then press Enter key as shown below.
How to change the directory in the Command Prompt?

Learn more Command Prompt tips.

https://digitash.com/learntips/topic/how-to-add-a-shortcode-in-wordpress-php-template-file/ <![CDATA[How to add a shortcode in WordPress PHP template file?]]> https://digitash.com/learntips/topic/how-to-add-a-shortcode-in-wordpress-php-template-file/ Sun, 18 Oct 2020 19:45:24 +0000 arthur_cz Replies: 0

Sometimes you might have to add a shortcode in WordPress PHP template file to accomplish certain functions.

Adding a shortcode directly to a WordPress template file will not work. We need to add the shortcode inside opening and closing PHP tags and invoke it with a special function as follows.

<?php echo do_shortcode('[name_of_shortcode]'); ?>
Now you can insert the shortcode inside a WordPress template file.
https://digitash.com/learntips/topic/useful-websites-to-research-stocks/ <![CDATA[Useful websites to research stocks]]> https://digitash.com/learntips/topic/useful-websites-to-research-stocks/ Thu, 15 Oct 2020 15:51:10 +0000 Santhosh Kumar D Replies: 0

The following websites are useful to research financial data about companies that are listed on major stock exchanges. They provide stock quotes, price charts, profit & loss accounts, balance sheets, shareholding pattern, and other financial stats.

Yahoo Finance

In the Yahoo Finance search bar, start typing the name or symbol of the stock that you wish to research, and select from suggested results.
Yahoo finance for useful websites to research stocks

Once you have selected the respective stock, it will take you to the summary page where you can find the stock quote. You can see open, close prices, day’s range, traded volumes, market cap, PE ratio, EPS, and other financial data.
Yahoo Finance for useful websites to research stocks

Click the Chart tab to see the interactive price chart. In nearby tabs, you can find historical price data, details about management, financials, shareholding pattern, etc.
Yahoo Finance useful websites to research stocks


Similarly, you can research stocks in the CNBC website as well. If you know any other websites that are useful to research stocks, do share with us in the comments.
